Dimensionless Numbers In Heat Transfer
In Heat Transfer, Dimensionless numbers are used to characterize and classify heat transfer problems. This blog attempts to explain the meaning and significance of these numbers and help you to get used to them. Introduction: Dimensionless numbers are scalar quantities commonly used in fluid mechanics and heat transfer analysis to study the relative strengths of inertial, viscous, thermal, and mass transport forces in a system. Dimensionless numbers are equal for dynamically similar systems, systems with the same geometry, and boundary conditions. This makes them a powerful tool for scaling operations from model to pilot and beyond. It helps in determining a systematic arrangement of the variables in the physical relationship. Importance of Dimensionless Number: We can experiment with model automobiles, planes, and ships and make predictions about how the big thing will behave in real-world scenarios thanks to dimensionless numbers. All that needs to be done is t...